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The world of Elder Scrolls Online comes to life through all the interactable NPCs - quest givers, monsters, tavern patrons. 
Most events require players to interact with other characters. Usually, the player who hosts the event emotes those NPCs, but since their background usually is fairly limited, they are a great opportunity for one-shots, and may even develop into full-fledged characters! (That happened to me once, I still have the orc.)

Everyone can be an event NPC

Those people hold information that the players need to acquire, or are obstacles in their way. The necessary information is: 


Who is the NPC? 

  • The players want to investigate disappearances in the area and come to the tavern to examine. There are a patron, the cook and whoever hauls the mugs.
    • The patron has found footprints near the storage shack in the eastern fields.
    • The serving person has gotten some definitely creepy vibes from a group of three mercenaries who drop by every (whatever day today is) - they will most definitely not be on their post today
    • The cook knows nothing, but has a secret when it comes to frying Ash Yams.

All of these can be fleshed out with background and personality to make them more interesting to engage with! For example: 

The patron

  • They are a saltrice farmer like their parents before them. When they were young they were certain that they were destined for something greater - but then life happened... They are disappointed.
  • Their parents were slaves, and they aren't, and now their own children have all options... They are hopeful
  • They are something else entirely...

The staff

  • They are a slave, were born into slavery and are resigned to their fate.
  • They are a slave, were only recently enslaved and still try to get away... Maybe the players can help?
  • They are the cook's spouse
  • They are the cook's offspring, still young and full of hopes/shenanigans - maybe they even want to tag along with the players! Maybe they even want to encompany them after...

The cook

  • They hate cooking, only poisoning the occasional traveler makes it bearable for them
  • They are really passionate about cooking! They used to be something with a much higher social standing, but ditched that completely to serve stew in a backwater hovel... Or that's what they say!
  • They are a former member of the Imperial legion and actually can't cook, but everyone puts up with their food for an entirely different reason than taste...
  • They are dead inside

It's up to you

A one-time NPC is a great opportunity to hop into RP real quick when you don't have any fixed character in the particular hub. Just ask the players or the hub GM!

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