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Dunmeri language

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Dunmeri terms:

Anything with a * is not official canon

Thank you* Juohn
You're welcome* Ju'rohn
An insult, alike to "scum" Fetcher
a vulgar exclamation akin to “damn” nchow
outlander/foreigner/slave n'wah
calling someone "native", can be a compliment or an insult f'lah
an insult s'wit
A polite, yet informal way of addressing someone Sera
A polite and formal way of addressing someone Muthsera
A way to address nobility or surperiors, indicates respect Serjo
A respectful way of addressing one's teacher (can be honorific) Kena
Addressing someone who is rich (under Telvanni usually: rich in knowledge) Sedura
A toast (great benefit, great fortune) Gah'Julan


About Dunmeri ways of addressing others

on f'lah

On Dunmeri language* - someone put a lot of effort into this, and there are people who are able to talk this more or less fluently. It's fine to use occasional Dunmeri words/terms for atmosphere, but please remember that the language we all play in is English. 

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