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Being Neloth Telvanni

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Neloth Telvanni

You all know him, right? If you don't you should look him up or play Morrowind and Skyrim - Dragonborn where you can find him on Solstheim. He is on youtube too, by the way.

Basically, Neloth is a big nerd, additionally he is also insanely powerful and a somewhat antisocial person which he makes up with... well... power. Lots of it.
I have to admit that I really like him, being such an sarcastic and arrogant person spitting highly sophisticated annoyance in my direction while sipping on canis root tea.

So what does Neloth do all day...?

I am sure he does a lot of things, researching, visiting planes of Oblivion, talking to Daedric Princes, harrassing his apprentice while experimenting on him.
The only social contact on this list is his apprentice, and communication isn't much more than Neloth beating him up verbally while the apprentice is constantly whining. That's really funny as a visitor and pictures a geat example of a Telvanni wizard. One of the most powerful.

Neloth in a community?

Keeping great Neloth in mind I take a look on our community.

First thing I notice is: Neloth Telvanni and community does not go together.
Fortunatelly our members aren't Telvanni at all, which makes our guild so incredibly great. Now thinking about roleplaying where the Telvanni setting is present all the time... Which means, Neloth is here, or at least he could be.

Neloth as a character?

When I picture Neloth Telvanni as a roleplaying character, I really think he is the worst choice ever. Roleplaying is all about social interaction between our characters, someone like Neloth has social interaction with Daedric Princes I guess, but who wants to play a Daedric Prince?
Yeah, I know... Just shut up, s'wit. ;) 

So, who wants to be a Neloth?

But you want a wizard, well...

1. We want Telvanni characters, which means we want grumpy, solitary wizards focused on research or other magical nonsense.

2. We want characters who are also able to communicate with others... And with more than just one or two more characters, otherwise we don't have a community gameplay.

This is something everybody should consider when creating a character, which isn't easy sometimes.
As much as we love the classic Telvanni wizard, he has a very short range concerning roleplay.

Two worlds and power levels

Being a noble House, Great House Telvanni features highborn people, most of the people on top are also powerful wizards.
This is, of course, one big part of our gameplay, including an insane power level for some characters like the Archmagister and the council members. 

This is not for compensating ego issues of the players, but the nature of the setting we wish to enjoy here.

Of course House Telvanni doesn't only feature powerful wizards but also a lot of people on lower ranks. These people also make great characters and also have a wider range concerning background choices like race, class and so on.

I believe you can have a lot of fun roleplaying in both of these worlds, but a problem that they don't go together so very well. They are seperated by rank, power level, heritage and many other things.
Doesn't mean there is no contact at all, but most of the time that's just a brief rapport.

A servant, slave or Oathman will not just speak his mind when talking to a high noble (and often antisocial) wizard who can burn him to cinders with one thought.

I keep two main characters I frequently play, and another two for special scenes or when a good opportunity arises. Two of them are part of the upper class and the other two more on the servant/Oathman side.
For me, this is a good way to play in both worlds and I think everybody should have spare characters too, be it just for the play not getting seperated too much.

If there are six people online and three of them are high wizards and the others Oathmen then there is a good chance there will be two groups of three people playing seperated from each other, which is really annoying I think. Although with more players that might work.


The Setting and new players

Not a book club but a Mafia clan

I noticed that many players just grab their main character and want to jump into the play. I guess that works with many settings and it's a good way to just go ahead and.. well.. play.

It doesn't work with the Telvanni setting though, especially not with the high wizard part of it.

Being a noble Dunmer House, Great House Telvanni is picky with new members and most members don't like non-Dunmers much, in fact many of them don't like anybody...
There are some players, especially those who know the Great House and its lore and thus know which kind of play and treatment they will find when going into the reliquary.

Of course the Archmagister will prefer somebody who is a Dunmer wizard instead of a Nord warrior, of course many of the wizards won't even listen to some n'wah Orc stumbling in and greeting them with his tribal greeting ritual.
Those wizards of course will mock or even hurt or kill somebody who insults the House.

The Great Houses of Morrowind are a bit like Mafia Clans: you don't just go in, insult somebody and live to tell the story. These people mean it and a character should know that and have a strong motivation to ask for membership.

On the playerside that means that new players should be familiar with the Houses of Morrowind, at least with the Telvanni, and play a character that has a chance to fit in.

For players new to roleplaying it means that you need a lot of support I guess.
For the roleplayers among us who are already part of our play, it means that we have to provide support for these people. Otherwise there is a big chance they just run into us wizards, doing something "stupid" because they are new to this all and then chances are they won't ever play again because they had a bad start including dunmeri insults they didn't understand and being laughed at (which is of course STRICTLY ingame, but nontheless annoying and demoralizing).

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